Dear Presby Family: Redeemed

The story of Ruth is one of the Bible’s great love stories. It overflows with kindness and compassion, and it highlights how God’s people experience His sovereignty and tender mercy as He works through the lives of His people. Just think about what we have seen:

As Ruth had shown kindness to her mother-in-law Naomi, (Ruth 1:16-17), so Boaz - a close relative of Naomi - showed kindness to Ruth. Boaz’s kindness is not only personal but also flows from the kindness of God as he acts to provide Ruth and Naomi a home because they are his relatives (Ruth 2:20). Boaz acts as the guardian-redeemer for Ruth and Naomi and the people of Bethlehem bless Boaz by saying, “May you…be famous in Bethlehem.”

We might never have given Beth­lehem a second thought if not for the fact that Ruth and Boaz, with their son Obed, became ancestors of David there (Matthew 1:5). And many years later, Jesus, a descendant of David, was also born in Bethlehem. Out of “the house of bread” came the “Bread of Life.”

This week, we thank God for the redemption that we have through Jesus Christ, who saves us from our sin through his birth as the Son of God and through his death on the cross. Why? Because of love. In fact, it’s the greatest love story ever! “God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16).

May each of us experience that this week as we come together in worship!

Grace & Peace,
Pastor Aaron

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